It's spring, the birds are signing, and you have a profound urge to express your creativity. The sun is shining and you're about to go out, determined to immortalize the most beautiful birds on the planet. Hold it ! Not so fast ! There are a few little things to consider before you take off on the adventure.
If you are a novice and have just bought your camera, take the time to understand how your equipment works. Read the instructions. Get a guide on basic photographing techniques. It's better to prolong your initiation period a bit rather than throw yourself prematurely onto the terrain only to multiply a series of disappointing experiences.
When at last you are ready to take off, don't forget to bring along a protective bag for your equipment. Weather is often unpredictable and photo equipment does not tolerate wetness well. The market offers carrying cases in a variety of models. What's important is for it to be waterproof and shock resistant.
A photographer's ethics
If you have decided to start photographing birds, surely it is because you like them. Human activities (hunting, cars, communication towers, pollution, habitat loss) already cause much trouble for the birds and they really don't need additional disturbances. When you photograph birds in parks, reserves, or interpretation centers, remain on the paths. Do not get close to nests and do not damage their habitat. Avoid using bird chant recordings in areas where other photographers have preceded you, or will follow you. Using recordings can be extremely damaging for birds, especially during the mating season or when weather conditions are difficult and they strive for survival.
I advise you not to use artificial light (flash). The flash could scare them and the picture will look far less natural.
You must also avoid harassing a bird by pursuing it and making it flee continuously. You will rapidly discover that certain individuals cooperate better than others. I don't know why, but when it happens, enjoy ! Don't forget that your best photos will always be those where the bird is at it's natural. So on your outings, act in such a way to avoid stressing out the birds.
And one last thing, make sure you ask for authorization before walking on private property.
For more information on the ethics of photography, consult "Ethics" on the main menu.
Alain Hogue